Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Battening down the hatches....

Well the roof guys were there today and after a little argie bargie this morning the boys worked quite well with each other. Did a good job today, yet another tradie asking if I was sure the house was big enough? This is the second tradie to ask me that. I don't think 34sq is that big for a single story house, is it??

Front Batterns

Front of house batterned down.

Side view with batterns
More batterns.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Concrete, Concrete and more Concrete...

Well, I went up to the block as I do most days today and yesterday, funnily enough, and had some guesstimates done for the concreting we will require before we move in to the house.

One of the guys doesn't think we will even be in by bloody Christmas !!!!!!! What the???? Bullshit we won't.... We had better be, anyway...... He was around the $11,500 mark

The other guy we had come by today and he came in at $12,500, including GST, bob cat work and guttering/drainage pits. Not bad I thought.... He said call me in a couple of months.....

On another note, it would appear perhaps I was a little too joyful the other week, when the ducted vacuum guy was working in the Sunday and said, "Nothing will surprise me now", perhaps a little too kind.....

Other than wrapping on the 24th last week, that is all it would appear we have achieved since the vacuum guys was there. We have had some good weather 24th, 25th, the weekend was pretty crappy but today 28th and tomorrow are suppose to be good. The rest of this week is going to be crappy rain...... Once we get the bloody roof on, then do it.... but not before......

So wouldn't you think that we could get some chippies in to prep the rest of the roof ready for some tiling?????? That was supposed to be there a week ago......


Well not so far anyway.... And I know they are not at Mel's place because Mel, at this stage is approx a couple of days behind us.

I know that our two house are not their only ones, but they are the only ones we care about.....

I will see if we get anything happening tomorrow..... doubt it

OOOohhhhhh, before I forget, I noticed some suspect people loitering around the block this morning about 11.00am, from M-bark excavating and someone looking officialish (technical word) inspecting our water taps... I asked what was happening, was basically told to mind my own business (paraphrasing), I replied it was my business. This is my house and my builders dunny one of your boys just used. So what the F*%# is going on?????

He wouldn't tell me, because he has been miss quoted in the past, (give a shit) anyway to cut a long story short. I noticed that the taps at the front look like they have been plumbed wrongly with a "T" joiner connecting the recycled water to the normal tap..... I presume only a temp measure.... But I will have to ask no doubt....

Taps as at 05/05/08

Our new taps as at 05/05/08

Taps as at 29/07/08

Our tampered taps as at 28/07/08

Something a little bit fishy looking at the pictures......

Friday, July 25, 2008

No idea........

Well I went up there today, as I saw three chippes on the prowl in our house yesterday and thought great what are we upto today??? It would appear nothing was done, well nothing I notcied that was for sure....

Hope we get some more movement soon....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

We're Wrapped......

Well today after the first three days this week are awash, as it rained each day all day, today we had some wicked fog and then a beautiful day. So I drove up to the block to see if we had any movement and noticed that we have been all wrapped up. I nearly didn't notice it at first.

Blind Sideway

Looking down the blind sideway.

Front Right To Left

Looking across our front entrance.

Garage to Left

Looking from garage across the front back to our entrance.

Family to Back Bedrooms
Our family room looking towards our rear three bedrooms and bathroom and toilet.

Family to Front

Our family room looking towards the entrance hall, laundry off the left, lounge and study closest to the front door, all on the left. Our ensuite backs on to the kitchen wall.

I don't imagine it will be long now before I won't be able to get into the house, which will be painful as I want to still put in cat 6 cabling yet...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

It is official........

Nothing will surprise me now, well I hope not........

Today I thought I should go and take some pics, as I missed the opportunity yesterday, of the results of yesterdays great work. After walking around in the slosh and taking some happy snaps, I got back in the car and drove around a little of the estate to see what else was happening, sticky beeking.

Anyway, when I got back in to the main street I notice there was an unfamiliar car parked out the front of my new building and two people walking about the place. Not a problem I thought, but go and peak anyways. I was asked if I knew who was building the house and I told them, thinking they just liked it, they said good we have the right one then.......... The right one for what??? I thought....

Oh, sorry we are here to do the installation work for the ducted vacuuming!!!!!!

Now we are working on a Sunday as well as Saturdays........
You go you good thing is all I can say right now...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

On the move....

Well it Saturday 19/07/08 in Aus for our overseas readers, so I thought I would go and take some more photos of how we are going. Bugger me.... I got there about 3.45pm today and ther was someone parked in our drive, I naturally asked if I could help him, "no thanks I'm right" was the reply. I did a quick spin around to see the house and noticed all the gutterin and facia's wer on then took a little longer look and notice the piles of windows and door frames were now missing.
Well not really missing, they were in the window and door spots, bugger me I said did you do all this yourself, "no, the window boys left a couple of hours ago and my assistant just left" was the reply.

Left to Centre


Centre to Left

Well, Rawdon Hill have got my attention, re the catch up. We are flying along, I hope we can keep up this pace and don't tire in the last quarter. Keep up the great work guys.......

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just an update.....

More photos as I know you like them, more trusses have gone up and the garage frame is now happening also, taking shape now.....

Garage Frame

Across the front

Across the front.....

Entertaining Side

Entertaining side....

Front Door

Front door entrance and front patio framework....

Blind Side

Down the blind sideway.....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

We have started on the roof.....

Trusses have begun to sprout up in all their correct positions.....



Oour windows have been delivered also....

Front Door Frame

Our front door frame....

Notice also all the other work going on in the back ground of shots. the Place is a buzzing...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wood work anyone????

Our block has a woody.....

Left To Right

From the driveway looking to Master B/Room to Study


Through garage to Alfresco..

Theatre Room

Rumpus Room

Family Room

Family Room

Meals Dining

Meals Dining



Alfresco Large

Alfresco area