Wednesday, November 12, 2008

They must have a new scheduler on board......

This has been a great week and a half for ourselves and Rawdon Hill, there must be a new employee with some understanding of the word scheduling...... Finally.....

Well today is the 12th November....Since we last spoke the tilers have been in and have not stopped, except for Sunday... I will let them have that which was great news for us....

The sparkie made a return this morning to do some of his handy work. I call past about an hour ago to check up on his progress, as one does....

Bugger me, aparently we have some 60 (sixty) downlights... JESUS H Christ......

I didn't think there were that many thank the before mentioned we also have a few dimmers hooked up No photos of the sparkies hany work as yet But I have attached some pics of the tilers work..... Good stuff.... We hope to have a final inspection date this week.....

Floor Tiles Entrance

The entrance leading to the family room and kitchen....

Ensuite Tiles

The ensuite floor tiles and, the wall tiles are now grouted... yippee..

Ensuite Shower

The ensuite shower is all grouted to now... just the floors to go...

Laundry Tiles

The laundry.....

Family Room Tiles

Family room and kitchen...

Kitchen Tiles

More of the kitchen...

Hall Floor Tiles

The kids hallway....

Bathroom Shower Tiles

Main bathroom

Bathroom Tiling

Again... mani bathroom....

An something I just relised too.....

We had work happening today....

and yep.....

It's Wednesday...


The tales of J&A said...

Hey guys ... looks gorgeous with the tiles. Your entry is really beautiful ... large and open. Can't wait to see with your furniture in there.

Just one point however .. are you sure your laundry is big enough????

Please note sarcasm in final comment in case you were wondering ... I always envy people with massive laundrys!!!! lol

This is the official site of the Hennop Family in Australia and South Africa. Any enquiries can be send to said...

Hi Gav,

It's getting there, it's almost time to move in hehehe. I see that the site has been cleaned up yesterday. This gives it a total different perception (It looks brilliant). Can you maybe publish some more pics? We are really looking forward of having you as our new neighbours at Marriottwaters.

Toni said...

I haven't checked on your blog for a few weeks.......WOW what great progress! Your floor tiles look great (similar to what we have I think....maybe the same colour/maybe not).

House is looking great. Hope you are pleased with everything.

Can't be too much longer before handover. We are about four week away :-)

madmel said...

Looking fabulous guys!!!! Can't wait to see/hear the latest progress report! So are you having final inspection/handover today????!!!!! We were meant to be but it just didn't happen. We have our fingers crossed for moving in next weekend. We will be up 'dirty' creek if not! Give us the goss!!!!!!!
